The Pandemic Problem



I’ve been seeing posts on people’s profiles that talk about how this Corona virus has helped them do regular stuff at home like reading a book, looking after their plants, spending quality time with their loved ones etc. While people are busy posting statuses that imply this, it got me thinking that do we really need a virus to do the above mentioned things? I mean is it really that hard to take time out from your schedule to do these things? The answer is NO! You don’t need a virus to tell you to value or care for the things that matter to you more than anything.

If you ask me, it is all about prioritising. It is about drawing a balance between what you want and what you need. If you learn to prioritise, there’s nothing you CAN’T do. Believe me, there is actually nothing you CAN’T do. There have been days wherein I felt like I can’t juggle a house, husband, child and work together. There have been times where I have wanted to quit too! But you know what I learnt? These are all passing phases and that the moment you hit the bed, begins a new day.  So if you find yourself in utter chaos, take time out to breathe and find your calm.

So let no virus come in the way of what you CAN REALLY DO even without it! Here’s hoping all of you are enjoying your time during quarantine doing the things you love and hope you keep at it even after.

Please tell me how you’re spending time in the comments section below.